Tommaso Gazzarri
Selection of classes taught at various schools
The classes are divided by school. Some classes, such as language courses, have been taught several times, at multiple institutions. For more details cf. CV
Yale University
Beginning Latin
Review of Latin Grammar (selection from Caesar)
Greek Prose (selection from Lysias)
History of Art
Latin Poetry (selection from Apuleius)
Latin Prose (selection from Cicero)
Latin Literature in Translation
Latin Grammar
Union College
Classical Mythology
Capital Punishment in the Ancient World
Ancient Science and Engineering
Reason and Emotions in Greece and Rome
Latin (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced)
Ancient Greek (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced)
Ancient Roman Theatre (Plautus and Seneca)
The Ancient Greek Comedy
Sex and Gender in Ancient Grek
Sex and Gender in Rome
Entrepreneurship in the Ancient World
Introduction to Roman Law
Latin Satire
Virgil's Aeneid
Cicero and Seneca
The University of Memphis
Roman Historians
Elementary Latin
Intermediate Latin
Overview of Ancient Penal Law
Upper-intermediate Latin
Latin Love Poetry: Catullus and Ovid